4-Month Sleep Regression: Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep Tonight
As a first time Mom you’ve probably experienced the joys and challenges of motherhood, but one aspect that can leave you feeling drained is the infamous 4-month sleep regression! This developmental milestone can disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns and leave both you and you little one longing for more restful nights!
The 4 month sleep regression is upon you if…
- Your baby was sleeping great through the night and has all of a sudden starting waking up several times a night.
- Your baby’s naps are shorter than normal ( 30 minutes or less.)
- Your baby has a difficult time falling asleep at night.
if you are struggling with both of these situations and your baby is between the ages of 13 weeks and 20 weeks old then you have probably hit the 4 month sleep regression! You may have heard some people call it the 3 month sleep regression, it’s the same regression, It just happens to start earlier in some babies (sometimes as early as 13 weeks) and later in others.
What is a sleep regression?
This sleep regression is actually a progression of your baby’s sleep from a newborn sleep pattern to an older babies sleep pattern. It’s actually a great change for them! Their little bodies and brains are developing rapidly and sleep cycles are changing which often leads to night awakenings and fussiness.
There are several sleep regressions that your baby will go through in the next year and a half, it’s just that you hear more about this one because it tends to last longer and disrupt sleep more! Recognizing the importance of getting enough sleep is the first step towards a solution. While sleepless nights may seem ‘normal’ during this phase, taking steps to improve sleep quality for both you and your baby is crucial for your physical and mental health. If you’d like some tips with this regression, download this free 4 Month Sleep Regression Guide here.
Here are some tips to get through this regression…
- Look at your baby’s room environment. Blackout curtains are a great way to block out any light during the night to create a darker more inviting atmosphere for sleep,
- Establish a consistent bedtime routine! Your baby needs to learn what is coming next. A bedtime routine will help them start to associate certain routines with sleep which will help signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down.
- Be consistent in how you approach night wake ups! Keep night wake ups boring and try not to introduce anything new you’d rather not keep doing 2-3 months from now (such as adding in an extra feeding, or rocking to sleep for every wake up.)
- Gradually teach your baby to self soothe themselves back to sleep while they are laying in their crib. There are many gentle sleep training methods you can try to guide your baby toward independent sleep. As a sleep consultant I am here to support you in this important next step!
- Make an appointment now for a free sleep evaluation!
Is your baby 5 months old and still struggling with night wake ups and short naps?
You can start gentle sleep training to help your baby overcome these sleep struggles and your family can start sleeping again! A great first step towards helping your little one get more sleep is to book a free sleep evaluation call to talk to an professional sleep consultant to find a solution that works well with your parenting style.
As parents it’s exhausting getting up in the middle of the night when you were used to sleeping 6-7 hour stretches or more per night! If after 2 weeks have passed and your baby is still experiencing night wakings, short naps and increased fussiness then it’s definitely time to explore gentle sleep training to avoid setting up habits now that you’d rather not continue later.
Gentle sleep training for the 4-5 month old will offer multiple benefits to both you and your baby. By implementing gentle sleep training methods at this age you can regain much needed rest , leading to increased energy levels through out the day! As well as experiencing a boost in your mood which will make it easier to handle the challenges of motherhood. With more rest filled nights, moms can approach parenting with greater patience and understanding, fostering a more positive environment for your baby!