A Mother’s Intuition
I fully believe that God gave each of us a mother’s intuition to be able to know what to do to protect and raise our children. Sometimes we listen to the wrong advice. Sometimes our own past can get in our head! That gut-feeling you have is your mother’s intuition! According to an article titled, “Mother’s Intuition: Do You Have It?” by psychologytoday.com research has shown that there are four primary types of intuition. I’m going to share three of these types with you today.
Problem-solving intuition
The amount of time you spend with your children helps this intuition to grow. The experience and expertise you’ve gained by being with your baby allows you to be in tune with your child. This can be referred to as having a “gut feeling” about how to respond to something. We tend to look at what has worked and hasn’t worked in the past and imagine how our babies will respond, This helps us to see familiar patterns and helps us as parents to know what to do.
For example, a mother’s intuition helps us know when our babies are getting ready to drop a nap. We can make an informed decision based on how they slept yesterday or the night before and apply new information to make a change in their sleep schedule.
Social intuition
This type of intuition allows us to learn to read peoples cues, mannerisms and body language. This lets us put all the information together to create an impression of how we think people are feeling or thinking. Our babies don’t have this skill and go straight to crying when they are overwhelmed by a situation. As adults we can take a step back and evaluate a situation, and this can allow our children to learn from us.
Creative Intuition
Maybe you’ve had a difficult situation that has come up again and again. Your creative intuition helps you gain new insight and combine knowledge in new ways. It’s kind of like having a “bright idea moment!” For example, when you are on vacation this gives us lots of opportunities to use this to help our babies get the rest they need. As a Mom we can get really creative finding ways to make the hotel room darker or using the bathroom fan for white noise if we forgot our noise machine.
When it comes to sleep training most of us know that our babies need to sleep to function, grow and heal. Our mother’s intuition helps us by finding sleep training methods that best align with our parenting style and our baby’s personality.
God gave you a mother’s intuition, now go out and be the best Mom you can be! Don’t be pulled down by unknowledgeable social media trends or trying to keep up with the latest baby gear. You know your baby best by just spending time with them. Keep up the good work Moms! If you would like sleep support, schedule a free appointment with me today!