Loving mother gently kisses her calm baby wrapped in a warm sweater.

Mastering the 3-Month-Old Sleep Schedule: A Guide to Help Your Little One Sleep Soundly

Having a schedule for your 3-month-old sounds lovely to most parents; In this blog I will give you the best method for a 3 month old sleep schedule that flows more naturally and offers the best hands-on support.

Life with a 3-month-old is a beautiful blend of snuggles, smiles, and some sleep challenges. Around this age, babies start to develop more predictable sleep patterns, but they still need a little help settling down. This is where methods like the Pick Up/Put Down approach and the 5 S’s for soothing come into play.

Let’s explore how these gentle strategies can help your little one (and you!) get the rest you need.

The Importance of Setting a Good Sleep Foundation

At 3 months, babies are still learning to navigate their world, and sleep is no exception. Their sleep cycles are maturing, but they’re not yet ready for formal sleep training. Instead, you can gently guide them toward better sleep habits that encourage self-soothing while keeping tears to a minimum.

The Pick Up/Put Down Method: What Is It?

The Pick Up/Put Down (PUPD) method is a gentle way to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own. It’s all about providing reassurance without creating a dependence on constant holding or rocking.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Start With a Sleepy Baby: Begin your bedtime or nap routine as usual. Feed, cuddle, and wind down until your baby is calm.
  2. Put Them Down Awake: Lay your baby in their crib while they’re still awake but relaxed. This helps them practice falling asleep in the same environment where they’ll stay asleep.
  3. Respond as Needed: If your baby fusses or cries, pick them up to comfort them. Hold them until they calm down, but don’t let them fall asleep in your arms.
  4. Repeat: Once they’re calm, put them back in the crib. Repeat this process as many times as needed until they drift off to sleep.

This method teaches your baby that their crib is a safe, soothing place to sleep, while also helping them build self-soothing skills using a gentle approach.

The 5 S’s: The Key to the 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule

The 5 S’s, developed by Dr. Harvey Karp, are a tried-and-true way to calm a fussy baby. They mimic the comforting sensations of the womb, making them perfect for your 3-month-old. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Swaddle: Wrapping your baby snugly in a swaddle helps prevent the startle reflex and provides a sense of security.
  2. Side/Stomach Position: Hold your baby on their side or stomach (only while you’re holding them—always place them on their back for sleep).
  3. Shushing: Use a shushing sound to mimic the whooshing noise your baby heard in the womb. White noise machines work wonders, too.
  4. Swinging: Gentle rocking or bouncing can be incredibly soothing. Use slow, rhythmic motions to calm your baby.
  5. Sucking: Offering a pacifier or allowing your baby to suck on their thumb can help them relax and settle down.

Combining PUPD and the 5 S’s for a Perfect 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule

These methods can complement each other beautifully. For example, you might use the 5 S’s to calm your baby before laying them down using the PUPD method. The key is to find a balance that works for you and your little one.

Tips for Success

  • Be Patient: Learning to self-soothe takes time. Be consistent, but don’t rush the process.
  • Follow Wake Windows: At 3 months, babies typically have wake windows of 75–90 minutes. Carefully watching your baby’s wake windows can prevent overtiredness.
  • Create a Calm Sleep Environment for a 3-Month-Old: Turn off the lights, use a sound machine and black out curtains.
  • Watch for Sleep Cues: Here’s a tip- when you see the first yawn that’s the best time to get your baby ready for bed. After the 3rd yawn your baby might be getting overtired. Crying is a late sign of tiredness.

When to Seek Extra Support

Every baby is unique, and sometimes sleep challenges need a personalized approach. If you’re feeling stuck, I’m here to help! Schedule a 15-Minute Free Sleep Evaluation Call to discuss your baby’s sleep habits and how we can gently guide them toward better rest. Together, we’ll create a plan that fits your family’s needs.

Sweet dreams for you and your little one are just around the corner!